Group tree management

This chapter gives you information how to add, remove or move groups to relocate them in the system.

There are 3 levels under group tree as illustrated in figure below. Each level of group has its own work area

Adding a new group or moving an existing group:

In group tree, there is possibility to add groups by clicking ‘Add group’ under the group where child group is wanted to be created. After that, you have two choices

  • Create new
  • Add existing

By clicking ‘Create new’ button on the working area you can give name and type of a new group. Type must have been created earlier on a Type tab because otherwise it can’t be selected from group type drop down menu.

By clicking ‘Add existing’ button on the working area you can select existing group from other groups under the same parent. After clicking ‘Save’ button, selected group will be moved under new location in the group tree.

Removing an existing group:

Select group from group tree and go to Group tab and click ‘Delete group’ button in the end of the work area. The button is not visible if group to be deleted has child groups. (Re)move child groups before deleting parent group.

Settings affecting to visualizations

Some of the group tabs affect to data representation on visualization layer used on ‘Monitoring’ view.