Frequently asked questions

This article contains some of the most frequently asked questions that we’ve encountered. This Frequently asked questions (FAQ) is ever-changing and will contain more questions and answers in the future.

What is the login page for Condence?

When does the Condence user invite expire?

The user invites expires if the user has not activated their account within 30 days after the invite was sent. If the invite expires, the invite needs to be deleted and resent. This can be done in the User manager section in Condence. Please refer to the article User Manager 2.0 for additional details.

I know my login email and password, but the logging in still fails. Why?

In Condence, the email used to log in is case-sensitive. You have to write your login details as they were written during registration.

For example, is not the same as

Should you register your email with only small case letters, then that is how it should be written when logging in.

If the issue persists, please try to reset your password. Should the issue continue, please get in touch with Condence at

I can’t see any metrics in Condence.

Here are the two most common possibilities:

  1. Check the calendar in the upper right corner of the Monitoring view. You may have a different time period selected, which is why the metrics are not showing. Please try to select “Last 24 hours” or “Last 7 days” to show you newer metrics.
  2. If you have selected minimum RPM conditions for your metrics, it is possible that RPM conditions are not met. Please check your RPM readings and compare them to your RPM minimum conditions in the Device Manager.

If the issues persist, please get in touch with Condence at

Do you have some questions in your mind that you would like to have answers to? Please leave a comment below!